Menstrual Equity Project

As a first step towards working collaboratively with the administration of Loyola University Chicago, a proposal was submitted to the Student Innovation Fund. This proposal outlined our research and proposed budgets for Loyola to begin providing free pads and tampons in on-campus restrooms. 

What Progress Has been made?

Marking the first major success of an SRJ initiative, the Student Innovation Fund has funded our Pads & Tampon Campaign for a trial semester. At the end of the Spring 2018 semester, the organizers and Office of the Vice President evaluated student feedback to determine the future of the project. The overwhelmingly positive response from students has already been incredibly beneficial to SRJ's case on this project.

During the 2019-2020 academic year, SRJ succeeded in getting Loyola administration to take over the project for good. Loyola will now be responsible for supplying and stocking the pads and tampons in all the first floor Men’s, Women’s and gender neutral restrooms.

As of the fall of 2022, facilities was dedicated to stocking all the first floor bathrooms on Lake Shore Campus as well as installing permanent hardware to hold the products. You can now find a map of all gender neutral restrooms on campus, along with the University’s statement on providing menstrual products on all first floor bathrooms at:

Throughout the 2023-2024 school year, SRJ will be working with the university to efficiently stock all restrooms with products in permanent dispensers. Keep an eye out on our social media for updates on this takeover.