What is EZ EC?

Officially launched in February of 2022, EZ EC is our newest service. We aim to provide safe, free, and confidential emergency contraceptive across our lake shore campus. We are currently operating as a strictly need based service, and run on donations from other organizations as well as our student body.


Operation Information

At this time EZ EC operates 7 days a week until 8 pm. Our current committee is made up of 7 individuals who handle the inventory, distribution, and packing of this service. If you are looking to place an order, email us at srjezec@gmail.com.

Quick EC facts

How Emergency Contraceptive works:

There are two ways to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex. The first way is a paraguard IUD, which must be inserted within 120 hours or 5 days of the sex. The second way is the emergency contraceptive pill, or the morning after pill. This is what we currently provide to our students.

When to use Emergency Contraceptive:

  • Messed up your regularly scheduled birth control

  • Condom spilled/broke/slipped off during ejaculation 

  • Your partner didn’t pull out

  • You were forced into unprotected vaginal sex

  • If you did not use contraceptive during vaginal sex

*please remember to always read the medical instructions provided*

Quick Info

We operate 7 days of week every week until 8pm. We are a need based service and run solely on donations provided by other organizations and the student body.

If you would like to place an order, email us at srjezec@gmail.com

How we get our EC

Our EC currently comes from 3 sources. The first source is from an organization called EC 4 EC, they helped with the launch of our service. EC 4 EC aims to provide free emergency contraceptive to every campus in need.We also have a partnership with AfterPill. The pills we get from AfterPill currently cost us 8 dollars per pill which is why donations help a ton! As of this year we also applied for Plan B Onestep’s free contraception service, and received the box in the mail.